hey there 👋, we just got a fresh new look!

JNE is one of the few coins that is staying steady.

As such $JNE is strong during the bear cycle and is primed to explode in the bull run. If you are waiting for a lower entry point, it's not gonna happen. You are looking at the floor right now.


$JNE official contract address can be verified on Etherscan.io

    100,000,000 $JNE

  2. Tokenomics For $JNE

    Explore the economic fundamentals and characteristics of $JNE tokens. Jake Newman Enterprises retains control of the vast majority of the JNE token supply. This strategic decision ensures that the enterprise has a significant allocation of tokens readily available for various purposes.

    Jake Newman Enterprises (JNE) began as an unexpected twist of fate when Jake Newman, through a serendipitous turn of events, acquired a majority stake in a memecoin cryptocurrency project. What started as a humorous incident quickly transformed into a thriving enterprise, thanks to the passionate community that rallied behind the JNE token. While our roots are steeped in satire, our growth has been anything but a joke.

    How To Buy JNE

    Learn the step-by-step process for purchasing $JNE tokens.

    Charts For $JNE

    Visualize $JNE token data with interactive charts and graphs.

    Jake Newman

    The driving force behind JNE, Jake's journey from an accidental majority stakeholder in a memecoin project to the leader of the Jake Newman Enterprise brand is a testament to his adaptability, vision, and commitment to the JNE community. With a keen eye for opportunities and a deep understanding of the crypto space, Jake is the guiding vision for JNE's strategic decisions and growth.

    Follow @0xJakeNewman on 𝕏
    Mrs. Jake Newman

    A pivotal figure in the JNE story, Mrs. Jake Newman brings a unique perspective and set of skills to the table. Her insights and contributions have been instrumental in shaping the direction, structure, and ethos of the enterprise.

    Follow @MrsJakeNewman on 𝕏

    Build for the community, by the community

    JNE Weekly Meetings

    • Bootstrap
    • Hosted by Jake Newman
    • every week on telegram

    Accidental Hostile Takeoverer.

    built by @maver0x.

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